CRS - The Causal Regeneration System

CRS - A Perfect Enhancement For Massage Therapists

Discover, How CRS Can Complement Your Practice

As a massage therapist, you understand the profound connection between physical tension, emotional stress, and overall well-being. Yet, challenges like chronic pain, deeply held tension patterns, and accumulated stress can limit the effectiveness of traditional massage techniques. The Causal Regeneration System (CRS) offers a groundbreaking solution to these challenges, empowering you to enhance your clients' health more profoundly.

How CRS has been helping others!

Please note, that in the second testimonial, the CRS method is referred to as URSA. This is because URSA was the original German name (Universelles-Regenerations-System), which we changed to CRS (Causal Regeneration System) to make it easier to understand in English.
"I had an accident, where my bones of the elbow broke. Afterwards I was not able to fully flex my arm. I had extreme pain and stiffness. This also had an impact on my sleep. CRS was very helpful and has been speeding up my recovery extremely."
"My passion is Martial Arts and I do Kickboxing. I have a long-standing issue with my foot. I had surgery 5 years ago to remove tumors. Since then, I have not been able to exercise intensely, because my foot got inflamed quickly. After each inflammation, I needed several days to recover. CRS changed my life, as I was able to do intense exercises without further inflammation after the treatment."

Medical Doctor Frank Brazkiewicz talking about BEAM and CRS

Frank Brazkiewicz is a medical doctor. He was born in Bremen, Germany in 1967 and studied medicine at the University of Lübeck.

As one of the BEAM founders he is talking in this video about the work he has done over the years and his dedication to teaching holistic healing methods. 

With a rich background in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and extensive training in various meditative and spiritual practices, Frank has developed a comprehensive approach to healing.

His work focuses on empowering individuals to achieve healing and balance by addressing physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects. By integrating techniques like acupuncture, Tai Chi, and the CRS (Causal Regeneration System) method, Frank helps others explore and overcome deep-rooted blockages for holistic well-being.

Let's connect and have a short Zoom-Call together!

Hey there!

I’m Frank Brazkiewicz, and I’d love to show you how CRS can elevate your acupuncture practice! 🌟

Simply click the button below to schedule a free Zoom call with me. Let’s combine our expertise and explore how we can enhance your treatments together. Can’t wait to connect!

Best, Frank

Join the next CRS-Beginner Course in London!

Course Location:

Essex Church
112 Palace Gardens Terrace
W8 4RT



Saturday, September 14, 2024
From 10:30 to 17:00

Sunday, September 15, 2024
From 14:00 to 18:00

Free Pre-Course Zoom Sessions

To help you determine if the CRS-Beginner course is the right fit and to answer any questions you may have, we are offering complimentary Zoom sessions before the course begins.
