
The CRS method is an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use and time-saving method. That is why anyone with or without a medical background can learn this method. You can use it on yourself, your family or even a friend on the other side of the world.
It is a great concern of ours to spread and circulate this method as far as possible in order to offer as many people as possible a free and self-determined healing possibility.
Because it is all well and good to always run to some doctor and then swallow a pill so that we feel “better”. But actually we are in a time period now where we want to and we also need to take responsibility for our own body and health and therefore we should be able to heal ourselves independently.
That is why we offer courses in which we teach the CRS method.

So far we teach three modules, the Beginner Course/CRS Course I, the Advanced Course/CRS Course II and the Professional Course/CRS Course III.

In the Beginners Course/CRS Course I, the basic programme and the one-time correction are taught.
In the Advanced Course/CRS Course II, liver activation, stomach temperature regulation, kinesiological testing and self-treatment are taught.
In the Professional Course/CRS Course III, the topics of free working, remote treatments and working with systems are taught.

We would also like to encourage you to get together in working groups after the courses and to practise CRS regularly.

Payment and cost

We believe that healing should be accessible and affordable to all. There is no fixed fee; we only ask you to give as much as you think this course was worth based on your own ability to pay. CRS-based healing and this courses are how we make our living, so we humbly ask people to be mindful of this in the amount they choose to give.